Fort Cox College Renovations / Upgrading
Lukhozi Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd were appointed in July 2016 by Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR). The appointment includes, inception, preliminary design, detail design, documentation and procurement, contract administration and inspection and close-out stages of the water and sanitation infrastructure at Fort Cox College. The scope of the project is to carry out a detailed investigation of the current situation and to prepare proposals, including cost estimates and time frames, to formalise or upgrade the water and wastewater treatment works including the bulk networks and associated infrastructure wherever possible. Our services provided for this project were Civil, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical services including the process design of both the water and wastewater treatment works.
Due to budget constraints, the project was subdivided into two phases which are Phase 1: Water and Phase 2: Sanitation services. Phase 1 had been handed over to the Client in 2018 and phase 2 is currently under Tender stage.
The Contract Value was R6.98 million incl VAT, The project created an employment opportunity of about 14 076 manhours.